Marla the badger lives peacefully in a sett with Cadoc, her mate, and their three young cubs. They are unaware of the threat approaching – badger baiters are operating in the area, hunting for badgers to sell and use in the cruel ‘sport’ of badger baiting.
Meanwhile the twins Tom and Sarah, living on a nearby farm, have accidentally stumbled on evidence of badger baiting in their neighbourhood. They and their dad become increasingly involved in trying to prove this illegal activity to the police. When the law fails to step in, Tom and Sarah have to act alone to save Marla and her family from a terrible fate …
Meanwhile the twins Tom and Sarah, living on a nearby farm, have accidentally stumbled on evidence of badger baiting in their neighbourhood. They and their dad become increasingly involved in trying to prove this illegal activity to the police. When the law fails to step in, Tom and Sarah have to act alone to save Marla and her family from a terrible fate …
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Elephant Ben: 'compelling reading'
Cadoc: 'Give this book 8 out of 10.'
Wolf!: 'Captures perfectly the arbitrary, necessary cruelty of a predator and the deliberate, pointless cruelty of human hunters. Children will rush through this story ...'
Cadoc: 'Had me on the edge of my seat.'
CADOC: Worthy, well-written and stomach-churning.
An exciting and immensely enjoyable adventure story ... A great read for any young wildlife enthusiast.
Kimba:'Geoffrey Malone continues to be one of the great specialists of the animal novel.'
Torn Ear: 'I thoroughly recommend this.'